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Calling All Scotland

BBC Debate Night: Join the Conversation

Calling All Scotland

100th Episode Broadcast from Aberdeen

BBC Debate Night, the weekly show that gives viewers a platform to question Scotland's politicians and public figures, celebrates its 100th episode with a special broadcast from Aberdeen.

Accountability and Controversy

The milestone episode comes amid ongoing discussion about the Gender Recognition Reform (GRR) bill, which has raised concerns among some about potential safety risks for women.

Perspectives and Dialogue

Host Stephen Jardine invites viewers to engage with the show's guests and share their thoughts on the GRR and other pressing issues facing Scotland. The debate aims to foster constructive dialogue and provide a platform for diverse perspectives.

Audience Participation

BBC Scotland encourages viewers to apply to be part of the studio audience for the special 100th episode, scheduled for broadcast on July 10th in Glasgow Maryhill. Those interested can apply online and participate in the topical debate on the most pressing issues affecting Scotland.


As BBC Debate Night reaches this significant milestone, it remains a vital forum for informed discussion and civic engagement. By providing a platform for diverse voices, the show empowers viewers to shape the future of their communities and hold their leaders accountable.
